Another amazing summer has ended on the shores of the Mississippi Sound. It was a great summer that saw over 390 campers enjoy the unique experience that is camp. Many memories and friendships were made which extend past the Saint Stanislaus campus.
First time campers were busy learning new skills and returning campers were busy perfecting the skills they learned in past summers. Camp was full of firsts for many including our returning ones because of the addition of a few activities. An octagon was built to play GaGa ball which is a version of dodge ball, kayaks were added to the pier, the volleyball net was reinstalled and hunter safety was added as one of our electives during one week at camp. The activities were a big hit with all campers and we are looking at expanding other activities for the oncoming summer.
Camp held for the second time a Father and Son weekend. It was another amazing weekend as dads were able to experience all that camp has to offer with their sons. Father and son camp is already on the schedule for July 8th & 9th next summer.
Camp Stanislaus has an amazing location and facilities, but that is not what makes camp special. What makes camp special is the people. So, I’d like to say “thank you” to the campers for your great attitude and participation, to the parents for giving the summer camp experience to their children and for their trust and faith in sending their child to Stanislaus. Finally, I would like to thank my staff, the Brothers and volunteers for your hard work and dedication. You are the heart of camp and without you it would not be possible to have camp.
Lastly, as the dorm halls are busy with the sounds of the resident students here for school, I hope everyone has an amazing year and I look forward to seeing everyone’s smiling faces next summer.