How are the campers divided?

Our boys are divided in to three different groups based on age range.  Every week, the average age may be different but they are usually broken down as: Shrimp 8-10/11, Dolphins 10/11-12/13 and Sharks 12/13-15.  The girls camp is divided into two groups the Seahorses 8-11 and Starfish 12-15.

May I request a roommate for my child?

You have the option to request roommates on the application.  A few things to remember when requesting roommates:  1.) The majority of rooms have 3 beds so if four boys want to room together 2 should request each other.  2.) It is very important that roommate requests are reciprocated and if 3 campers want to room together each name is on the other two's application.  3.) Please see how groups are listed above; if your child is a different age than the other and are not in the same group they will be unable to room together.  4.)  At Camp Stanislaus we do not guarantee roommate requests.  We will do our very best to honor each request and if the above are followed we usually do not have any issues honoring requests.

What happens if I need to cancel or change my campers registration?

We understand things change and registrations may need to change accordingly.  If you must cancel your campers registration and we receive it in writing before January 23rd the deposits for all weeks cancelled are refunded.  After January 23rd if a week is cancelled the deposit for each week cancelled is forfeited.  After May 15th there is no refund.

How do I register my child for camp?

To make things easier we have created an online tutorial to walk you through registering your camper.  To start the registration process click here.

What is arrival time on Sunday?

Arrival time for new campers is between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. each Sunday.    We recommend arriving at 2:00 p.m., checking your camper into camp at the cafe lobby with your child's head counselor,  setting your child up in their room, and then have a counselor bring your child to his/her group so he/she can begin enjoying their camp experience.

If my child is staying more than one week do I have to pick them up over the weekend?

Yes, the camp will close for a short period starting at 11am on the Saturday until 2pm on Sunday each weekend.

How and when do I pick my child up on departure days?

Every Saturday we have campers departing.  Departure time is between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

When is pick-up and drop-off time for day campers?

Drop-off time for day campers is 7:40 a.m. It is important to get there on time because the morning character talk starts at 7:50.  Pick-up time is at 6:15 p.m. If your child has afternoon ski, pick-up time may be a little later.  Drop-off and pick-up are in front of the cafe.  If you need to check out your camper early you may do so by checking in at the dorm lobby.

How do I communicate with my camper during the summer?

E-mail, Mail or Bunk One. Telephone communication is only allowed under extreme circumstances and is strongly discouraged. Campers will not be allowed to have their phones during camp.

I don’t have the health form completed. Should I wait to send the application with it?

No, get the application and deposit in to reserve your camper’s spot.  Physicals need to be completed and turned in prior to June 1st for your child to attend camp.

Can my child bring snacks?

Snacks are permitted, but not necessary.  If snacks are brought they must be in a plastic container that can be closed.  Snacks with nuts are not allowed because of the possibility of fellow campers being allergic.  If they bring snacks with nuts they will be confiscated.

What type of bedding is needed?

All rooms have twin size beds, so fitted twin size sheets and a blanket/comforter are recommended.  If campers prefer to sleep in a sleeping bag, this also works.

What are the rooms like?

Camp Stanislaus uses a dormitory rather than cabins for camp.  A typical room (some are slightly different) has three beds, desks, closets, sink and a bathroom.  The bathroom has a toilet and a shower.

How are the campers supervised during camp?

Our groups are broken down into five groups and each group typically has five/six counselors and two counselors-in-training (CITs).

What if my child is not Catholic?

This is not a problem at all.  Religion is not forced on any of our campers.  We are a Catholic-based camp, however, and do have morning and evening prayers and character talks that all campers must attend.  We ask that all campers are respectful of each other’s faiths and act accordingly.

What if my child doesn’t want to participate in an activity?

If your child is physically unable to do an activity they will go with another group for the activity period.  Unless this is the case, all campers participate in all of the different activities their groups will do at camp.

What if my child gets sick, homesick or is asked to leave because of behavioral issues?  Will I get a refund?

In case of illness requiring the attention of a physician, one half of the unused camp fees for the unfulfilled portion of the session will be refunded. In the event of dismissal or withdrawal because of homesickness, misconduct, or any other cause, there will be no refund of camp fee.

What is a typical day like?

We do too many things to list here in a typical day.  Click here to see what a typical day is like.

Does our camp have air conditioning?

Yes, all of our activities that take place inside have air-conditioning.

Can my child bring extra equipment like fishing poles and skateboards?

Yes, campers may bring their own fishing poles and skateboards to camp.  We have poles for the campers to use when they go fishing offshore and a limited number at the end of the pier. At times campers have to take turns fishing at the end of the pier so it is a great idea to bring your own pole.  If your child would like to participate in the fishing elective they must bring their own fishing pole.

What happens if my child gets sick?

Campers will visit the nurses station at times during the summer for various reasons.  The nurse may contact you if she fee she needs more information and to discuss the health of your camper.  If she feels it is necessary to take the camper to the doctor their guardian will be notified.  If a camper comes to the nurse for something routine like a stomach ache or soar throat a parent may be notified if the issue continues or gets worse.  You can always contact the camp office and ask to speak to the nurse if you have any questions or concerns.

What happens if my child is hurt and need to go to the hospital?

We do our best to contact you, the parent, before we take a camper to the hospital to double check the medical information.  If we cannot get in touch with you, we will take the camper with his health form and call when we get back.

What if my child has an obligation during the week he needs to attend?

There are often times every summer where campers have things to do during the week.  If your child has something they need to attend please notify camp administration so they can have him/her ready to go at the proper time.